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Deception detection online



Deception is a conscious action by a person to deceive or mislead another.

People communicate differently online through computer-mediated

communication and this has influenced avenues of deception online.


Has anyone ever lied to you?

​How did you know?


The internet is now perceived as a characteristic of ‘modern’ life where

people communicate via computer-mediated communication [CMC] online

in home and professional lives (Green & Carpenter, 2011; Hancock,

Thom-Santelli & Richie, 2004). However, using this method of communication

can elicit higher rates of sharing personal information online than offline

(Jian, Bazarova & Hancock, 2013) which can open avenues for the

manipulation of conversations and deception to gather personal information

for purposeful misuse (Chao & Tao, 2012; Ding, 2012). How do levels of trust

influence deception detection, what abilities can enhance deception detection

and what are the accepted social norms around deception online? This research

article aimed to investigate these questions based on the following research.


Abstract presented at the following conferences

  • Cyberpsychology Research Unit, University of Wolverhampton (CRUW) Conference, Woverhampton, United Kingdom, April 2015.

  • Decepticon, Cambridge, United Kingdom, August 2015.

  • PSI Early Graduate Group Conference, National University of Galway, Ireland, February 2015.

  • PSI Student Affairs Group Conference, Galway, Ireland, November 2015.

  • Annual Psychology Students of Ireland Congress, University of Ulster, April 2016

  • 21st Annual CyberPsychology, CyberTherapy & Social Networking Conference (CYPSY21), Dun Laoghaire, Ireland, June 2016.



To read the full article click here.

To watch an audiovisual presentation on trust and perspective taking in this topic please click here.

To download a presentation on social norms in this topic please click here.

To read a presentation online on social norms on this topic please click here.



Publication history

Friend, C., Fox Hamilton, N. & Power, A. (2018). Social norms in deception detection in online and offline communication: Understanding individual perspectives in a qualitative thematic analysis. In A. Power (Eds.),  Cyberpsychology and Society. Oxford: Routledge.


Friend, C. & Fox Hamilton, N. (2016). Deception detection: The effect of trust levels and perspective taking in real time online and offline communication environments.

Cyberpsychology Behaviour and Social Networking, 19(9), 532-537.


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